Enjoy these 100 Year Lifestyle chiropractic posts courtesy of New Dawn Chiropractic & Wellness Asheville, NC 28806.
You may have hated them as a child. You may like some and not others as an […]
Everyone around the world has heard of the Michelin Star. Awarded to […]
With all of the plant-based “milks” on the grocery shelves, many people […]
Health tonics are nothing new. Thought of as modern-day elixirs, the idea of […]
If you’re committed to eating healthier, then you should give some thought […]
Most Americans are unaware that over the past century, a battle over the healthcare of the population has been waged on many fronts. Less expensive yet significantly more effective holistic health modalities, including chiropractic care and nutrition, have been sidelined, scrutinized, and even vilified under the guise of progress. Starting with the Flexner The post From Flexner to Kennedy: Here’s to the Next 100 Years appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
The phrase is “avoidable mortality,” and it refers to deaths that could have been prevented. For you and me it sounds like a humanitarian imperative. For governments, it’s an economic opportunity. Don’t see the connection? Well, healthier populations are able to create more robust economic productivity and reduce healthcare costs at the same The post Saving Lives and Money appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Aging is often associated with cognitive decline. However, some individuals, known as “super-agers,” defy these expectations. These centenarians maintain sharp mental faculties well into their later years. Research is revealing that resilience and problem-solving skills are key traits that set them apart. They are living proof that you can be old and sharp. The post Old and Sharp appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
No doubt you’ve heard of the placebo effect. But if you think it stops with sugar pills you don’t know the half of it. On two occasions psychologist and researcher Alia Crum and her team conducted a “mind over milkshake” experiment. Participants were given a 300 calorie milkshake. However they were told The post It’s All in Your Mind appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Mary “Molly” Repper smoked 20 cigarettes a day for most of her life, until she turned 95. Then she gave it up. Just turning 100, Molly’s doctors have said that her lungs were clear, and her heart was as “sound as a bell.” Molly is living proof that it’s never too late to The post It’s Never Too Late to Quit Smoking appeared first on The 100 Year Lifestyle.
Asheville, NC 28806
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