No Booze, Cigarettes, or Wild Women

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“No booze, cigarettes, or wild women” are three things 100-year-old Norman Johnson attributes to his longevity. As we know, everyone lives their 100 Year Lifestyle in their own way! Norman spent his life as a New Zealand farmer, doing the hard work of milking cows until he was 98.

He didn’t think he’d actually live to 100. But now that he has he’s set his sights on living to 110. Norman knows that his diet – he eats a variety of healthy food, his interest in “everything” and his strong immune system have gotten him to where he is. A born athlete, he was a long-distance runner, rugby and cricket player in his youth. But it was probably his hard working farmer’s lifestyle that contributed to his fitness and independence at 100.

When Norm reflects on his 100 years and all the changes that have taken place in the world, his focus is on the people in his life. He may not have traveled far and wide. And he may not have been married. But, he clearly made friends and had an impact in his community. Norm is living proof that living 100:100, at 100% for 100 years is as individual as each person. Remember, there is a big difference between “getting lucky” or “having good genes” and living to 100 versus living 100:100, at 100% for 100 years.

You’ve heard us say it before, but it bears repeating, your 100 is comingwhether you think you want to live to 100 or not. We want you to embody the 100 Year Lifestyle. We want you to have the long-term vision to get to  your 100 in style, healthy, and enjoying each day.

Find out more about Norman and his 100 Year Lifestyle here.


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